
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Put a little Spring in your Dome: Vegan Chocolate Cuppies with Vanilla/Orange Icing!

Hey mothers and friends of the Motherdome... With Easter just around the corner you are probably going NUTS (like me) looking at ALLL the candy loitering your local stores... This is a hard time for me because of the changes I have made in my diet. I seriously just want to pick up 10 Cadberry eggs and cram them into my mouth.

Alas, I have made a vow to be better to myself and my body. I already have to make allowances, so what's the next best thing? Well something else loaded with sugar of course, but maybe a TAD more on the health friendly side.

So I came up with something sweet and festive that will perk up your holiday and get your away from picking up a box of Easter themed Little Debbies, or worse...

Because I am going vegan I chose to buy the Cherrybrook Farms chocolate cake mix (This is also GREAT not JUST for vegans but for kids with allergies, these mixes are made in a facility free of allergens, and is great for those who have a gluten intolerance. I originally learned about this product during my nanny days, as I cared for a little girl who had life threatening allergic reactions to so many things. I got to then try and enjoy so many of the products. I LOVE this stuff, and what is also so wonderful is because it does not require eggs, I can lick the bowl clean without fear of getting poisoned.

One box makes one layer of cake or 12 cupcakes, I tend to do the cupcakes, cause even though this is a vegan treat, sugar IS sugar. And it's good to just have one of these a day. BUT these are WAY lower in calories, than say if you used butter and eggs. And are just as satisfying for the sweet tooth in you.

Here is everything you need for the frosting (if you are making a cake just double this recipe):

1/2 cup Spectrum Organic Vegetable Shortening (I use this for all my frosting needs, and the Spectrum brand, while a little more expensive, does not have the hydrogenated crap that other veggie shortening does). The great thing is a little goes a LONG way.

3-5 cups of confectioners sugar (this simply depends on how thick YOU like your frosting...)

1/4 cup coconut milk UNSWEETENED (or any other milk alternative is fine, rice milk, almond milk, soy as long as it's not sweetened.)

1/2 Tsp Pure Vanilla extract

1/2 Tsp Pure Orange extract

The zest of one orange

and the juice of one wedge of that orange

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and whip on low with an electric mixer till smooth.

Once your cupcakes are baked and cooled completely frost your morsels! Share with your little ones, or  a loved one or friend.

These freeze great! And can be kept in the freezer for a month.

Here is a link to Cherrybrook Farms website, you can usually find these mixes in the organic section, you can also order this through Vitacost, they have TONS of selection to choose from, including vegan pancake, cookie mixes etc... and a HUGE variety of gluten free products for those who suffer with a gluten intolerance (celiac disease).

The Chocolate comes in two kinds, regular chocolate with chocolate chips (which is fabulous!) and the Gluten free chocolate cake mix, which is very rich and chocolately. Either way you can't go wrong. If you hate chocolate they do make a vanilla.

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