
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pumpkin Puree for Baby Food or Pie

Pumpkin, it's amazing for you! A tasty veggie that can be sweet or salty depending on your preference.

I used it originally to make baby food for my son. The steps are simple. These are not my photos, but showed exactly what you need to do in order to make this stuff... So no copyright infringement is intended if these are your shots. The Neck Pumpkins look like long squash, they are generally pretty big:

You can generally find these around this time of year, pumpkin is seasonal. If you cannot find them at your grocery store, try a local farm market, or try Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Fresh Market.

Something I didn't know before trying this out the first time, was that, you don't use the standard Halloween looking pumpkin... I was on a farm tour last year and learned all about it. You use the Neck Pumpkins.

Step one: wash off your pumpkin

PREHEAT the Oven at 350 F

NOTE: Before cutting this pumpkin coat your hands with some oil, not too much you don't want your hand to slip, but enough to just protect your hands. Pumpkins absorb the moisture from your hands, and if you are prone to skin cracks and breaks, or dry hands, this will help. If you have nice moist hands, don't worry about this, but trust me, you will NEED to lotion those hands after you are done, lol.

Step two: Cut up your pumpkin (Seen in photo) After you cut like in photo, you need to cut each cylinder into semi-circles

Step Three: Cut the bulb all the way through and scoop out the seeds and sides with a large metal spoon. (As seen in photo)

Step Four: Coat ALL the pieces with Olive or Vegetable Oil

Step Five: Place all the pieces tummy down on a foiled cooking sheet. You may need two sheets if you are working with smaller cooking sheets. Make sure the skin side it up. You want the inside to stay moist and not get hard.

Step Six: Let all the pieces cook for 30-50 minutes, this is a big gap in time, but this just depends on the size and thickness of your pumpkin. The best way to tell when it's done is to take a fork to on the half-circles, if it goes in without force that means it's done.

Step Seven: Let it cool this could take a good amount of time, perhaps an hour, you can also put it in the fridge to cool if you are pressed for time.

Step Eight: Once it's all cooled off, begin peeling the skin off with your hands, place all the pieces into a large blender, you may need to make the pieces smaller to fit them all in.

Step Nine: Blend my friend! Blend as long as you like, this will get it nice and whipped up, and very smooth.

Step Ten: Use as needed. You can measure out your puree in advance for pies or what not and freeze for up to 3 months.

I generally separate into 16 oz amounts, because that's more or less what you will use in a pie.

To make baby food, you can use some of the puree and saute with a dash of cinnamon, a few drops of pure vanilla extract, and a splash of olive oil (all to taste) for babies you will not want to use much of any of these ingredients, and add some apple and or pear puree to the mix. Once it's all done, cool in the fridge so baby doesn't burn their tongue!

For Apple or Pear puree you simple peal and cut your apples or pears into wedges, taking and removing the core. Make sure to boil your water first, and boil till firm but soft (fork able). Use a blender or hand mixer to whip up and add to your pumpkin spice puree. Again cool till it's ready for baby to eat safely.

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