
Monday, March 25, 2013

Are we in Spring yet? Quinoa, Roasted Veggies and Feta

Okay friends, I'm dying here, it's still FREEZING up here, but I'm thinking warm thoughts, coming up with some great ideas and recipes to make those mouths water, and tummies feel full, and get you healthy for one of my favorite seasons!

Spring, the season of rebirth, and growth, a great time to get a good haircut, and pick out some cute skirts, and flats, and show your stuff. I can't wait personally! Flowers, and oh wait... allergies, he he, okay well it can't all be perfect, but at least your food can.

 So I deviated a little for this one, not going 100% vegan, but just using a sprinkle of feta cheese to top it off, the feta is optional, but it doesn't seem to give me any digestive problems, so I went with it. This recipe is Hubby approved! So much we had it on the meal plan two weeks in a row. SIMPLE and great to fix the night before, cause it's not a HOT, meal. Which makes it perfect for the warmer Spring months ahead, and into the hot summer.

For my husbands meal I did add some chicken, cause he's not always down for vegan... And I respect his feelings.

OKAY, as with all my recipes, from time to time I like to share information about the amazing health benefits of what you are about to stuff in your mouth. I think it's important, as a mother to teach and inform.

WHAT THE BLEEP IS QUINOA??? And why all the rage? I found out about this amazing "grain" about 3 years ago when I moved from NYC to GA, funnily enough I had NO clue what it was before then. But it's not ACTUALLY a grain, but rather a seed... it uncurls when boiled in water, or vegetable broth, and fluffs up similarly to cous cous, nor is is a pasta, but does not have the same glutenous make up, so it's good for weight loss, if you are looking to lose some weight, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties to help with bloating. While this seed is considered "gluten free" it is not completely gluten free, if you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, please research further into this product before consuming. I have read that it doesn't have the same level of  gluten as in pastas, etc... This seed also has lots of protein, good news for vegans looking for other ways to get protein aside from the famous soy protein. Although I eat fish in addition to a primarily vegan based diet, it's important to alternate protein sources.

Here are some more health benefits of eating more Quinoa, less pasta and meat:
  • Complete protein. Quinoa contains all 9 essential amino acids that are required by the body as building blocks for muscles.
  • Magnesium helps relax your muscles and blood vessels and effects blood pressure. Quinoa contains high levels of this vital nutrient.
  • Fiber. Quinoa is a wonderful way to ensure that you consume valuable fiber that eases elimination and tones your colon.
  • Manganese and copper. Quinoa is a good source of these minerals that act as antioxidants in your body to get rid of dangerous cancer and disease-causing substances.
The above information was sourced by these links, and for more info on Quinoa:

This recipe also includes Red Bell Pepper, Parsley, and Basil, which lend a multitude of health benefits to your life.

Health Benefits of Parsley:

Health Benefits of Basil:

The AMAZING Red Bell Pepper:

Prior to "Roasting"
Okay well enough about awesome health benefits, here is the recipe!!!

Everything you will need: Serves 2 (for 4 simply double the recipe)

One large carrot, or about 10 baby carrots chopped
2 cloves of garlic (finely minced)
One Red Bell Pepper (seeded and sliced into slivers)
One small zucchini cut into semi-circles
Extra Virgin Olive oil
1/3 cup Crumbled Feta (extra for sprinkling, for cost effectiveness you can get a block of feta for cheaper and crumble it up with your hands)
1 Tsp Dried Oregano
1/4 Cup Chopped Italian (flat leaf) parsley (don't get the curly, the flavor is seriously lacking)
1/4 Cup, finely chopped fresh basil leaves
2 Cups Vegetable Broth
Chopped Parsley, Basil, Dried Oregano
1 Cup Quinoa (thoroughly Rinsed prior to cooking)
Corningware, or glass pan for roasting veggies
Medium size pot
Large Bowl for finished meal
Cooking Spray (optional)
Lemon wedges (optional)

Step One: Preheat oven to 425 F, Chop up veggies, Spray or oil the bottom the pan, and lay out the veggies, sprinkling the minced garlic, sprinkle a dash of pepper and salt over the vegetables, and drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the veggies. Place in oven, at 425 for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 for another 20 minutes or until veggies are crisp but tender, carrots may remain pretty crunchy. Place veggies in fridge till cool.

Roasted Veggies, prepared Quinoa, Feta, and Herbs
Step Two: While the Veggies are "Roasting" in the oven, place 2 cups of Veggie Broth in a Medium size pan, and set at medium high heat till it bubbles, then reduce heat to Medium, and put your rinsed quinoa into the bubbling broth. Stir occasionally to make sure it's not cooking too quickly (reduce heat if so), and wait till broth is completely evaporated and quinoa is fluffy. Remove from pot, and place in a bowl, and place in refrigerator till cooled.
Combined ingredients in bowl

Step Three: Chop your herbs, and place aside till Roasted Vegetables and Quinoa are cooled down.

Step Four: Combine Veggies, Quinoa, Feta, and Herbs, and toss with spatula. Place on a place sprinkle with extra feta if you like, and a squeeze of lemon juice (optional).

Lastly serve, eat and enjoy!

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