
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Green Eyes...?

For Four years now my childs eye color has been changing. I knew the old lessons, children are born with Blue eyes, usually, and that changes. I had doubts they would change past blue, but we have a lot of brown and hazel, so I wasn't 100 sure.

Infant, Dark Blue Eyes

When my son was born he had remarkably dark slate blue eyes, they were stunning. Then as he passed the one year marker, they were still a very lovely brilliant blue, more on the cyan spectrum. This color proceeded him, and because both is biological grandparents on his fathers sides eyes were blue, his fathers eyes are blue, my grandfathers eyes and my fathers eyes are a light bluish color, it was bound to happen that Benny be a blue eyed child. He was born with dark brown hair, and then that fell out and he is still a blondie, which also didn't surprise me as his GM on dads side is blonde and my grandfather on my moms side was blond... SO that's how that happened. People would look at me and my child, all his facial features clearly stated he is my son, even now people tell me he is my twin, but his coloring is so different from my dark hair and hazel eyes...

At Two, Still very blue...

But something happened to his blue eyes... Last year a little after he turned 3, I realized his eyes looks greenish. Thought it was just the way the light would hit it, but now at 4 and some odd months, my child definitely has green eyes... HOW did this happen? They were BLUE! Not that I am complaining. Green eyes are very rare. And no one in my family has them.

In fact only 2% of the world actually have REAL naturally green eyes.

What's funny is I wasn't the one to say it, other people did. Strangers would say, "Wow, I love his green eyes" or friends would say, "I thought he had blue eyes?" Co-workers, teachers, and family have mentioned it. So I kept looking and looking and realized it's not the sun, or changes day to day, kids eyes are green!

I don't know what the facts are on eye color changing so late in life, but somewhere between 3-4 his eyes changed.

Whatever color they change to, I can always tell him at one point in his life, they were green. I already knew my baby was special, but now he's also incredibly unique. Inside and out! 

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